
Tim and Dawn Dower

Under Command Ministries began in October 2014 around a kitchen table with six people ready and willing to expand the word of God and win people for the Lord.  With the addition of a worship team, UCM was up and running. The first four services were held at the Fremont County fairgrounds.  Blessed by the rental of 1/2 of a warehouse, UCM continued to grow through fellowship, worship, and sermons based solely on God’s Word.  The added space allowed for the addition of adult, children and youth services and activities.  After two years, in December 2016, UCM was blessed with the ability to purchase a church building off of East Park Street.  UCM is now part of the Foursquare Church family with the accreditation of Pastor Tim Dower.  Starting out with their first service of 22 people, UCM has grown to a congregation of about 80.  Welcome to the house of the Lord!